Channel: Great Idea
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: forestsurvival skills anywherebushcraft cookingcooking in the wildernesscabinbuildingbushcraftlog cabinwoodworkingbushcraft skillsalone in the wildernesscookingwilderness skillscabin livingsurvival seriessurvival skills primitivesurvivalfishingcabin building in the woodsliving off the gridsurvival skills cookingliving off the landsurvival skillswildernessbushcraft campwilderness livingthe forest
Description: Hello everyone! I'm Paul and together with Valentina, a few months ago we bought a piece of land in Transylvanian Mountains. Our project is to build a log cabin and live in balance with the nature that surrounds us and to make a different DIY project, and cook simple recipes adapted to off-grid life! Welcome to the channel!